Lioness Lola gave birth to triplet cubs at Chelyabinsk . (Video)

Woman feeds treats to pair of gorillas she's known since birth (Video)

Jhon Doe

- Jan, 2023

Woman feeds treats to pair of gorillas she's known since birth, when she says my brothers are bigger than yours, she truely means it. People should watch when her father (Damian Aspinall) went back to Africa to reunite with Kwibi the Gorilla who he had released back when he was young, after raising him as a baby. It's amazing

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10 Ways to Keep Your Cat Healthy, According to a Vet

  • 1. Brush Your Cat Every Day
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  • 3. Pay Attention to Your Cat's Thirst
  • 4. Provide a Sufficient Number of Litter Boxes
  • 5. Don’t Assume You Know Why a Cat Is Peeing Outside the Box
  • 6. Train Your Cat to Use a Scratching Post
  • 7. Spay or Neuter Your Cat
  • 8. Travel Safely With Your Pet
  • 9. Choose a Cat-Friendly Vet
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